Friday, October 2, 2015

Choose five topics that you think are potential research topics for your paper and briefly (in 4 to 5 sentences) explain why these topics are of interest to you. Read the overviews provided for each of the topics you select.

In order that you read each of the overviews carefully, you are to answer the following questions about each overview:

  • What is the topic you are reading about?
  • What is the source citation? Just copy and paste it from the bottom onto your blog. DO NOT COPY THE URL!
  • Summarize the central idea of the overview in one or two sentences IN YOUR OWN WORDS.
  • List two to four specific details that support the central idea IN YOUR OWN WORDS.
  • Create an opportunity for further research by writing down two questions the text raises about the central idea (explicitly or implicitly). Explicit means stated clearly and in detail, leaving no room for confusion or doubt, while implicit means implied though not plainly expressed.
  • Write down one word or phrase whose meaning you do not fully understand.
  • Next, write down what may be preventing you from understanding it (is it an unrecognizable term? an unfamiliar person, place, or allusion?)
  • Use a third party resource (dictionary, thesaurus, Google search) to find its definition or meaning. Write it down.
  • Write one question about the overview that you can pose to your peers in a discussion.

Animal Experimentation

There is a debate whether to conduct experiments on animals or not. Maria Cantwell introduced the Great Ape Protection and Cost Savings Act. This act is would deny the use of medical research upon any primate. However due to this act there are conspiracies. The opposing side believe that it is necessary the conduct these research, since these animals are the closest things to us. 
I understood the issue from this article.
What research were the scientist trying to conduct that they needed the apes for?

Minimum Wage

People are facing one of the economic crisis that have been going on recently and that is minimum wages. By far the government have passed a law that ensures people to work so that they can support their families. However those who support the minimum wage law are arguing that they are contributing to most of society and that it isn't fair that other people are receiving jobs since they didn't go through the same process like they did such as, participating in American social welfare programs. While the opposing side claims that the supporting side was nothing more but an unstable government that restricts people in need of money from having a job.
I understood what was the issue of this article.
Wouldn't the minimum wage law restrict those who are still trying to pay for college tuition?

Drug Abuse

Today in society citizens are facing a issue known as drug abuse. The use of drugs have lately taken a toll on to a person's health both mentally and physically.To prevent and control this addiction from spreading acts were passed down. Two acts that made a difference was the Comprehensive Drug Abuse and Control Act of 1970 and the Harrison Act of 1914. However those who were struggling received treatments to get out of this obsession.

I understood the topic of this article and the issue that it states.
What influences people to become drug addicts?


Today in society some people are suffering from a disease known as cancer. Cancer is a disease caused by an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in a part of the body. There are many risks that can lead to cancer such as alcoholcigarettes, sunlight, and radiation. So far cancer is still incurable but there are treatments that can prolong the inevitable like chemotherapy. however this can harm with the individual's health.
I understood this articles' main issue.
Do you think we can develop a cure for cancer?

Air Pollution 

More and more we rely on industries to provide us with brand new supplies or technology. However there is a consequence doing this and that would be causing harm to the the natural environment like air. Now because of this issue there is a debate whether to continue industrializing or to stop it. Some people prefer to continue with industrialization so they can continue being modern or highly advanced. However due to pollution we are not only harming the health of the ecosystem but also our selves.
I understood the issue of this topic.
How can we maintain industrialization while not harming the ecosystem?


  1. Michael, I'm glad to see you got started on the assignment. Keep going.

  2. Michael, make a separate blog post for each topic. That way I can comment on each separately. Also, can you change your background to white please? That way I can read it easier.

  3. Michael, I'm glad to see you wrote so much on minimum wage. However, it was a little confusing. Try to think about what you want to say and then write what you are thinking coherently.

  4. Michael, you did a good job summarizing the articles but you didn't answer all of the questions. You also had to find a word that you did not understand and then find the definition of that word. Your questions at the end are good but I can't give you full credit for this assignment. Also, be careful with your writing. There were some misplaced words, which made some of the writing confusing. Also, always make sure to use your own words. I care about what you have to say, not what the article has to say so much.
